Here's what is going on. A chunk of naive young men are trying to create money out of thin air, and then boom, ICO comes to their minds. The ICO, mainly or mostly launched on the ERC20(the Ethereum blockchain) is used for such activity. The process involves selling certain amount of virtual token, thus raising money which is aimed at funding a particular business. **let's be layman for a while** The ICO is the simplest way which sees individual owning a certain share of a company right from the comfort of their home. The ICO let's people own a portion of a company that could worth as low as a single dollar. The ICO sees the value of your investment reflects the true form of the company. That is the value of the company is reflect in each and every portion of the token possessed, hence the swing in price of the token ∞ to the value of the company. That being said, Is the ERC20 killing the vision of Cryptocurrency?